rested & connected babies
Sleep is supposed to be easy. If it’s not, your baby simply needs your help to learn how to do it better.
Just like learning to eat and learning to walk, our babies need our encouragement and a whole lot of practice to learn how to sleep well.
But master it they do, just as soon as we help them learn.
Your baby’s behaviour is communication. So if she isn’t sleeping well then consider the difficult bedtimes, night wake ups, and unpredictable naps her way of telling you she’s ready for a change.
The sooner your baby learns how easy sleep can be, the sooner you will all be more rested, connected, and confident.
the Rested & connected effect
for babies 3-18 months
What if you could improve your child’s sleep by doing what already comes naturally to you?
The Rested & Connected Effect is a loving and incredibly effective program to give your baby enjoyable bedtimes, long stretches of sleep at night, and reliable naps.
Let us show you how you can meet your child’s needs for love, nutrition, and sleep by being tuned-in and responsive.
Apply now to find out if your family would be a good fit for The Rested & Connected Effect.
what parents are saying:
“He now sleeps through the night, I sleep through the night, and it’s easier to know what to do in different circumstances. Life is so enjoyable!” - Emily S.
“This helped tremendously. Our daughter has been a great sleeper ever since this program.”
- Rena H.
“Honestly it’s the best thing you could do for your family!”
- Sarah B.
“My baby is getting better sleep day and night and I have time, rest, and sanity for myself.” - Shawna K.
“Our 9 month old adapted to an easy, restful schedule with no night wakings within days. Worth every penny!” - Morgan L.
“We are amazed at how well he sleeps now that he knows how. We underestimated how much sleep he needs and how easy it could be for him. We only wish we’d done it sooner!” - Leila and Martin O